Abm | Strategic Goals
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The strategic goals of ABM University College depict our strategic direction meant to create value for our stakeholders and hence achieve the desired status of being University of Choice. This being the case, the following are the strategic goals that underpin our value creation process:

Creating a global brand that offers a diversity of products and service with a practical flair to ensure value creation and employability.

To be renowned as a University of Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership that taps in the knowledge base of its employees and hence creating value to its target audiences.

Te reduce dependence on government in terms of student sponsorship, by coming up with programmes that add value to primary stakeholders.

Diversify income base and ensure development of multifaceted income streams and profit centers in pursuance of value creation to the target market

Engagement of stakeholders including business, employees, students, and government to ensure that programmes are development in terms of national needs.

Ensuring the continuous improvement and enhancement of the student and the alumni fraternity.